Advertising photography is the taking of product and service photos that companies want to use within their advertising campaigns in a feature that can be used in advertising designs. This work is done by people who specialize in photography, is also called sectoral photography. Pulling company products from different angles, that is, capturing and pulling the packaging features, the best possible angles of the company name and logo. Photographers are also able to adjust the camera's light settings, distance and proximity settings, and sharpness settings according to the areas where the images will be used. The posture, appearance and expression of product and service photos are very important.
In advertising photography, where to use the photo is very important. For example, newspapers, magazines, catalogues, inserts, flyers, such as printed by the advertising tools to be used, photographs should be taken at least 300 resolution. Because offset printing is four colors. By pressing all the number of colors on the image, it can get a clear image. The studies coming out of offset printing are very high quality. The light conditions of the photographs to be used here are also very important. For example, no part of the product to be used should shine. This point becomes very important during the design phase. clear, charismatic, pleasant v.b. views are required. Taking photos of the product to be printed at Offset at low resolution results in blurry images after offset printing.
If the photos to be used are to be used in internet environments, the resolution of 72 dpi is sufficient. The number of colors the photos contain is not very important here. Very small photos can also appear clearly on the internet. If the products to be photographed are to be used in digital printing, 150-300 resolution may be sufficient.
The advertising photography workshop program is planned for a total of 52 hours in BUA. You can contact our university for an application.
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